Tuesday, September 29, 2009

AF Ball...

So FINALLY Nathan and I were about to go to an Air Force ball!!! I love getting dressed up!!

Nathan and All the Bold Tiger Men wore their party shirts!!! So handsome!!

All the wives looked soo lovely!!!

So the guys in true bold tiger fashion had to TP a commanders car with caution tape!!!

Yup... there is a squadron called the Boars... this is all during the "Swine flu" out break!!!

Nice work boys!!!

More to come later!!!

Friday, August 28, 2009

Nathan's TDY to Korea!!!

Nathan's TDY to korea turned up many interesting things... one of them was that I wouldnt last a day there... Nathan says I would starve to death in Korea, due to my weak tongue that has No taste for spicy foods!!! So naturally Nathan was in Spicy heaven!!!!
Nathan's wonderful sleeping quarters while TDY!!!

The night lights of Seoul!!!

Daytime in the Market Place!!!

I have the HOTTEST Hubby EVER!!! Looking sharp baby!!!!

And yes leave it to MY husband to find AND take a picture of a Transgender club!!! THanks baby!!!

Glad to have him home!!! XOXOX The Jenkins!!

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Spouses Day 2009!!!

A bittersweet day... The day has finally arrived when we get to get a glimpse into the building that takes up some much of our husbands lives!!!! Unfortunately, I had no guide for spouses day... I dropped nathan off at the airport for a Month long TDY to Korea!!! Oh well I had some great girlfriends that helped to keep me in the loop!!!!

Our Tacky Tiger shirts!!! you could only find greatness like this at the BX!!!! GOtta love tiger tacky!!!
An amazing group of women!!! I think its harder to be an AF wife than it is to be in the AF!!! Can I get and AMEN!!!!

So one of the events planned for spouses day was Taxi rides... this is where we get to strap into a real live F-15E and taxi to the end of the runway and then blast down the runway with afterburners and everything until we reach 50 knots and then slow down... it would have been great except for the HORRIBLE storm that was brewing on the horizon...Only 3 jets got off before they called it off. However we all had to get suited up and ready incase we could squeeze a few more rides in!!! So Dana GRACIOUSLY agreed to hold on to all our wedding rings while we waited for the Go or NoGo!!!! That is some serious bling on her hand!!!

My hero shot!!! I think I would make one HOTT fighter pilot!!! My husband would agree!!!

And to sum it all up... I LOVE MY FRIENDS!!!! They know how to make you laugh!!!

Another good day in Idaho!!! More to come soon!!!
The Jenkins

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

391st Camping Trip!!!

The squadron put together a squadron camping trip at Horseshoe bend, north of Boise!!!! We had a blast. The Raabe's own their own raft and so the Reynold's and us opted out of paying for a rafting trip!!! We just took turns watching the kiddos!!! I think we had more fun then the group rafters!!!
First night there... Mandy and Robin!!!

The Bold Tigers!!!!

Tango and Mike!!! Relaxin!!!!

So we bought bait to go fishing with... however Katie had other plans for the "wormies". She really liked carrying them around and taking them for swims and such!!!

Mike and Katie Fishin!!!

Robin and Megan after nap!!!

Nathan helping Katie wash off her dirty wormy!!!

Taking the wormies for a swim!!! Yuck!!

Megan was none too interested in the worms... she really liked the mud!!! Of course!!

The Reynolds with Mike their trusty guide!!! Super Fun times!!!

Another Good Memory with the Bold TIgers!!!
The Jenkins!!!

Saturday, July 4, 2009

4th of July!!!

We spent the 4th of July with the Raabe family... We had a small little get together of some neighbors and it was PERFECT!!!! Even the doggies got to partake in the celebration!!!
Katie LOVES Mr. Nathan, or Mr. Tango as she sometimes calls him!!! And he likes her sooo much that he is wearing a crown!!! THe man is destined to have daughters and he is so easily wrapped around their fingers!!!

More Katie and her Tango!!!

Finally... time with Tango!!! lol!!!

Mandy and I being typical crazies!!!

Mike and the girls!!!

HAppy Fourth of July Everyone!!!
The Jenkins!!!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Roof Stomp!!!

So when a fighter squadron gets a new commander The guys throw him a roof stomp party!!! This is where they invade his house, drink on his roof and eat and drink all the food and booze provided!!! All in all a good fighter pilot tradition!!!

All the guys on Slokes' roof!!!

Sneaky sneaky wives... they'll think twice before asking robin and I to throw them up another beer!!!


Nathan and I hanging out on the roof with the new commander!!!

So being the manly men that they are they play this game of reflexes... when the light stops flashing you have to hit your button or else... or else you get shocked... yes they are crazy!!!

ANother good night to be a Bold Tiger!!!!
The Jenkins!!!

Nathan's TDY to Alaska!!

Nathan had a TDY to Alaska this month!!! while there they hiked in a national park!! here are some of his photos!!!

He found a moose just for me!!! I LOVE MOOSES!!!!
More to come!!! XOXOX
Then Jenkins!!